Råkade se den här dokumentären på DanskTV igår, sök på Miss Mini U.K.
(obs. bilden är inte alls därifrån, det finns absolut inget samband, fashion robot är något helt annat, något helt annat, blandar ihop både äpplen och päron, är helt fel ute)
Bland annat:
Skönhetsoperationer på minder åriga!
Det mest skrämmande är vad som rör sig i huvudet på morsorna.
Är det här även svensk framtid, är det här dom landar?
En annan sak, förresten, är;
som man skall man helst inte ha några som helst åsikter om detta.
"Håll käften. Shudup. Stick och bada.
Du vet ju ingenting om konst, estetik och framförallt inte om den moderna kvinnans rättigheter i samhället? Vill dom lära sin unge att gå snyggt på kattwalken är det väl en mänsklig rättighet"
'People are typically very critical of mothers who enrol their children in pageants, but I wanted to try to understand why mothers and daughters were doing this,' says Alisa Pomeroy, the director-producer of Baby Beauty Queens.
The BBC documentary follows the contestants in Mini Miss UK, Britain's first American-style child beauty pageant, which took place in Milton Keynes in March. It is a snapshot of modern girlhood that is by turns poignant, hilarious and unsettling.
'As I spent time with the contestants I realised that every family had a different reason for wanting to take part. For some it was a glamorous world away from normal life on a council estate; for others it was a way to give a child a chance the mother never had, to deal with the baggage of their own childhoods, or even a form of religious worship. In their own way all the mothers were trying to do the best for their children.'
Moya, 40, a beauty therapist and single mother, lives in Glasgow with her children, Leah-Brooklyn, 14, and Madison, nine
'We're born-again Christians, and we believe God has given Madison this path,' she says. 'Before the pageant our church prayed for our heavenly Father to give Madison confidence, that he would make her be pretty and beautiful. We make "believe boards" of our aspirations – Madison has one that says, "I want to be bigger than Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, and help animals.
'I made up the dance routines for Madison, and we hand-embellished her shoes with Swarovski crystals to give them a bit more bling. I spent about £1,000 on her outfit. Every day Madison cleanses, tones and moisturises, and she has a face mask applied after she's been playing and sweating. For the pageant I applied acrylic nails, she had a fake spray-tan and a hairpiece, and her toenails were painted – nothing major. Some people say having a hairpiece at nine is ridiculous, but it's not like I do her hair and make-up every day. When I'd finished with her she actually looked like Fairytopia Barbie. I've been told Madison has the face of a doll – the American look.'
Madison says 'Doing the talent section was my time to show off what I've got, rather than being on stage with all the others. All the others were more natural and I wasn't, and I felt as if I stood out, and that was my favourite part of the day. Sometimes I don't like to put on make-up. If I fell over and I had mascara on and cried, it would all go smudged. The first time I got my fake tan I felt a bit frightened. It was really cold. But when I got it done a second time it was OK, because I'd got used to it.'
Helen, 39, works with special-needs children. She and her husband, Peter, 42, an it consultant, live in Newcastle and have five children: Luke, 14, Jamie, 13, Connor, 11, Jordan, nine, and Scarlett, seven.
'As a child, I didn't have the opportunities my children have,' Helen says. 'Had I been encouraged, I would have gone into acting. My husband moans about me putting the children forward for things, but he recognises they have potential. When Scarlett was only three, on a train journey to London she sang all the way and kept the whole carriage entertained.
'We went into the pageant for a bit of fun, but others were only there to win. I was horrified by the spray tans on girls not much older than Scarlett. A little bit of mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick was all Scarlett had – no beauty treatments.
'It was a long day. Scarlett had an asthma attack the day after – we think it was inhaling others' hairspray. I don't regret it, though; it was a learning experience and she had a lovely time.'
Scarlett says 'I got photos and my hair done and nice dresses. It felt a bit weird on stage because they were all staring at me. It was scary, but OK. The other girls were nice. I like to dance, to sing, to act. I want to be a fashion model when I grow up.'
Janice, 35, from Bushey, recently separated from her husband, a dentist, and is a full-time mother to Joshua, 12, and Tyla, nine.
'The pageant came at a fantastic time,' Janice says. 'My husband and I were separating, so it took my mind off things. We started preparing a month before. The dress-shopping and singing lessons were crazy. Tyla was sad not to win and we thought it was unfair having younger girls competing with 13-year-olds, but it hasn't put us off wanting to do more.
'Usually Tyla wears make-up on the weekends. I don't mind – it's nice for her to take pride in her appearance. She started wearing contact lenses at seven. She's had highlighted hair since then, too. It just gives her a nice look.
'Tyla goes to a girls' private school and her friends there are similar. They all want boyfriends. Since Christmas she has been in a long-distance relationship with a boy from South Africa she met on holiday. Girls are just going with the times. You have to keep up.'
Tyla says 'I loved dressing up and having my make-up and hair done. I felt very grown up. My friends thought it was really cool. I like designer clothes – I wear Juicy, Miss Sixty and Abercrombie & Fitch. My boyfriend is called Jordan. We talk on Skype about how life's going and stuff. I'm going to do lots of pageants in future.'
Claire, 42, works in a casino. she is single and lives in Newcastle with her daughter, Chloe, eight, who came third in the pageant
'When I told people Chloe was going in a beauty pageant, they said, "Oh, God, not like those ones they do in America?" I thought, "What have I done?"
Chloe's shy. She's done a talent contest and some modelling before, but this was only the second time she'd performed in public.
'I let her wear a little make-up to match the costume, but not the false eyelashes she wanted. I think young girls today are growing up far too quickly, and I don't normally let Chloe go out made up. I never behaved like this when I was eight.
'We didn't spend a huge amount. For the talent section Chloe just wore her main dress. But a couple of people asked, "Ooh, haven't you got a talent outfit?"
I think some of the other mothers took it more seriously than I did. Some were saying backstage that the contest was fixed. I was jumping all over the place with pride when Chloe did so well. I imagine she'll carry on performing. I'm just waiting for that call from Oprah now.'
Chloe says 'I want to be a model. I felt happy when I found out I'd come third. I was nervous on the stage. I like animals, especially tarantulas. They're cute.'
Alison, 29, from Portsmouth, lives with her boyfriend and their children, Chloe, eight, Harley, five, and Roxy, one. Chloe was runner-up in the pageant.
'It was Chloe's first pageant and we didn't know what to expect. She goes boxing, so she did that as her talent, and she had a ponytail wig. Chloe is used to make-up – she usually does her eyes, her cheeks and lipstick. She's a little young, but I don't mind if she wears it now and then, to go out to parties.
'I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I was more nervous than Chloe; I was shaking. All the others were brilliant, but she did ever so well. The boxing routine made her stand out. I was all tearful when it was announced she'd come second. Chloe really wants to do more pageants, and I definitely will put her in for more.'
Chloe says 'My favourite bit was all of it, really. I like having fun – performing, dressing up, having the pink lipstick on, eyeshadow, earrings. I want to be like Victoria Beckham when I grow up – rich and beautiful. When I told my friends I'd come second they thought it was amazing. I was shocked. There were other girls who were pretty and looked nice.'
Joy , 37, trains holistic beauty therapists and is married to ken, 45, who runs a taxi firm. they live in county durham with their daughter, Sophie, 13, who won the Mini Miss UK crown
'I spent £450 on Sophie's French-imported dress. People will be shocked, but I only have one child, my husband and I both work hard, and, if that's how I want to spend my money, so be it.
'On the day of the pageant, I didn't want her to look like a painted doll, so we went for a natural look, and I think her natural elegance, plus her performance of Little Girls from Annie, helped her win.
'It's a bitchy, hard world, though. After Sophie won, only two girls and their mothers would speak to us. Most of the girls deleted her from their list of Facebook friends. Then there was the way they'd lend beauty products to one girl but not another. I tell Sophie she just has to be strong and rise above it.'
Sophie says 'I never expected to win. When they said my name I just couldn't believe it. I felt like a princess! I really want to be on the West End stage – I do ballet, tap, theatre and singing. As the winner, I've had invitations to open some local shows, and I'm planning to do some charity work. The other girls at the pageant were really nice at first, but then people started getting competitive. When I put my dress on a few people started not talking to me. I'm not sure why.'
Av någon anledning kunde jag inte kopiera in länkadressen direkt, den här
texten ovan är från Telegraph.
Bland annat:
Skönhetsoperationer på minder åriga!
Det mest skrämmande är vad som rör sig i huvudet på morsorna.
Är det här även svensk framtid, är det här dom landar?
En annan sak, förresten, är;
som man skall man helst inte ha några som helst åsikter om detta.
"Håll käften. Shudup. Stick och bada.
Du vet ju ingenting om konst, estetik och framförallt inte om den moderna kvinnans rättigheter i samhället? Vill dom lära sin unge att gå snyggt på kattwalken är det väl en mänsklig rättighet"
'People are typically very critical of mothers who enrol their children in pageants, but I wanted to try to understand why mothers and daughters were doing this,' says Alisa Pomeroy, the director-producer of Baby Beauty Queens.
The BBC documentary follows the contestants in Mini Miss UK, Britain's first American-style child beauty pageant, which took place in Milton Keynes in March. It is a snapshot of modern girlhood that is by turns poignant, hilarious and unsettling.
'As I spent time with the contestants I realised that every family had a different reason for wanting to take part. For some it was a glamorous world away from normal life on a council estate; for others it was a way to give a child a chance the mother never had, to deal with the baggage of their own childhoods, or even a form of religious worship. In their own way all the mothers were trying to do the best for their children.'
Moya, 40, a beauty therapist and single mother, lives in Glasgow with her children, Leah-Brooklyn, 14, and Madison, nine
'We're born-again Christians, and we believe God has given Madison this path,' she says. 'Before the pageant our church prayed for our heavenly Father to give Madison confidence, that he would make her be pretty and beautiful. We make "believe boards" of our aspirations – Madison has one that says, "I want to be bigger than Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, and help animals.
'I made up the dance routines for Madison, and we hand-embellished her shoes with Swarovski crystals to give them a bit more bling. I spent about £1,000 on her outfit. Every day Madison cleanses, tones and moisturises, and she has a face mask applied after she's been playing and sweating. For the pageant I applied acrylic nails, she had a fake spray-tan and a hairpiece, and her toenails were painted – nothing major. Some people say having a hairpiece at nine is ridiculous, but it's not like I do her hair and make-up every day. When I'd finished with her she actually looked like Fairytopia Barbie. I've been told Madison has the face of a doll – the American look.'
Madison says 'Doing the talent section was my time to show off what I've got, rather than being on stage with all the others. All the others were more natural and I wasn't, and I felt as if I stood out, and that was my favourite part of the day. Sometimes I don't like to put on make-up. If I fell over and I had mascara on and cried, it would all go smudged. The first time I got my fake tan I felt a bit frightened. It was really cold. But when I got it done a second time it was OK, because I'd got used to it.'
Helen, 39, works with special-needs children. She and her husband, Peter, 42, an it consultant, live in Newcastle and have five children: Luke, 14, Jamie, 13, Connor, 11, Jordan, nine, and Scarlett, seven.
'As a child, I didn't have the opportunities my children have,' Helen says. 'Had I been encouraged, I would have gone into acting. My husband moans about me putting the children forward for things, but he recognises they have potential. When Scarlett was only three, on a train journey to London she sang all the way and kept the whole carriage entertained.
'We went into the pageant for a bit of fun, but others were only there to win. I was horrified by the spray tans on girls not much older than Scarlett. A little bit of mascara, eyeshadow and lipstick was all Scarlett had – no beauty treatments.
'It was a long day. Scarlett had an asthma attack the day after – we think it was inhaling others' hairspray. I don't regret it, though; it was a learning experience and she had a lovely time.'
Scarlett says 'I got photos and my hair done and nice dresses. It felt a bit weird on stage because they were all staring at me. It was scary, but OK. The other girls were nice. I like to dance, to sing, to act. I want to be a fashion model when I grow up.'
Janice, 35, from Bushey, recently separated from her husband, a dentist, and is a full-time mother to Joshua, 12, and Tyla, nine.
'The pageant came at a fantastic time,' Janice says. 'My husband and I were separating, so it took my mind off things. We started preparing a month before. The dress-shopping and singing lessons were crazy. Tyla was sad not to win and we thought it was unfair having younger girls competing with 13-year-olds, but it hasn't put us off wanting to do more.
'Usually Tyla wears make-up on the weekends. I don't mind – it's nice for her to take pride in her appearance. She started wearing contact lenses at seven. She's had highlighted hair since then, too. It just gives her a nice look.
'Tyla goes to a girls' private school and her friends there are similar. They all want boyfriends. Since Christmas she has been in a long-distance relationship with a boy from South Africa she met on holiday. Girls are just going with the times. You have to keep up.'
Tyla says 'I loved dressing up and having my make-up and hair done. I felt very grown up. My friends thought it was really cool. I like designer clothes – I wear Juicy, Miss Sixty and Abercrombie & Fitch. My boyfriend is called Jordan. We talk on Skype about how life's going and stuff. I'm going to do lots of pageants in future.'
Claire, 42, works in a casino. she is single and lives in Newcastle with her daughter, Chloe, eight, who came third in the pageant
'When I told people Chloe was going in a beauty pageant, they said, "Oh, God, not like those ones they do in America?" I thought, "What have I done?"
Chloe's shy. She's done a talent contest and some modelling before, but this was only the second time she'd performed in public.
'I let her wear a little make-up to match the costume, but not the false eyelashes she wanted. I think young girls today are growing up far too quickly, and I don't normally let Chloe go out made up. I never behaved like this when I was eight.
'We didn't spend a huge amount. For the talent section Chloe just wore her main dress. But a couple of people asked, "Ooh, haven't you got a talent outfit?"
I think some of the other mothers took it more seriously than I did. Some were saying backstage that the contest was fixed. I was jumping all over the place with pride when Chloe did so well. I imagine she'll carry on performing. I'm just waiting for that call from Oprah now.'
Chloe says 'I want to be a model. I felt happy when I found out I'd come third. I was nervous on the stage. I like animals, especially tarantulas. They're cute.'
Alison, 29, from Portsmouth, lives with her boyfriend and their children, Chloe, eight, Harley, five, and Roxy, one. Chloe was runner-up in the pageant.
'It was Chloe's first pageant and we didn't know what to expect. She goes boxing, so she did that as her talent, and she had a ponytail wig. Chloe is used to make-up – she usually does her eyes, her cheeks and lipstick. She's a little young, but I don't mind if she wears it now and then, to go out to parties.
'I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I was more nervous than Chloe; I was shaking. All the others were brilliant, but she did ever so well. The boxing routine made her stand out. I was all tearful when it was announced she'd come second. Chloe really wants to do more pageants, and I definitely will put her in for more.'
Chloe says 'My favourite bit was all of it, really. I like having fun – performing, dressing up, having the pink lipstick on, eyeshadow, earrings. I want to be like Victoria Beckham when I grow up – rich and beautiful. When I told my friends I'd come second they thought it was amazing. I was shocked. There were other girls who were pretty and looked nice.'
Joy , 37, trains holistic beauty therapists and is married to ken, 45, who runs a taxi firm. they live in county durham with their daughter, Sophie, 13, who won the Mini Miss UK crown
'I spent £450 on Sophie's French-imported dress. People will be shocked, but I only have one child, my husband and I both work hard, and, if that's how I want to spend my money, so be it.
'On the day of the pageant, I didn't want her to look like a painted doll, so we went for a natural look, and I think her natural elegance, plus her performance of Little Girls from Annie, helped her win.
'It's a bitchy, hard world, though. After Sophie won, only two girls and their mothers would speak to us. Most of the girls deleted her from their list of Facebook friends. Then there was the way they'd lend beauty products to one girl but not another. I tell Sophie she just has to be strong and rise above it.'
Sophie says 'I never expected to win. When they said my name I just couldn't believe it. I felt like a princess! I really want to be on the West End stage – I do ballet, tap, theatre and singing. As the winner, I've had invitations to open some local shows, and I'm planning to do some charity work. The other girls at the pageant were really nice at first, but then people started getting competitive. When I put my dress on a few people started not talking to me. I'm not sure why.'
Av någon anledning kunde jag inte kopiera in länkadressen direkt, den här
texten ovan är från Telegraph.
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